Monday, February 9, 2009

Rich versus Poor

Rich Versus Poor

“Population growth is a threat. But it pales against the greed of the rich” This is the title of the article written by George Monbiot. According to this author the rich are blaming the poor for growing population and indeed these are the ones who are pressuring the overuse of the resources in their own opinion. Other issues that attracted me, the most, from this article are; Firs, the shocking figures of population growth and how important this growth is for the economy. Second, the dangers that the growth of the poor population would cause to the world. And Third, the solutions he came up in order to level off the population. But still, as I read the whole article, Manbiot has just prompted me to ask a question “ Should we have to blame some such social classes to get rid off of the glitch?”
It is not a matter of how much can be taken, by the rich, from the poor population; it is a matter of all considering how much damage we altogether are doing to the Earth. As the environment is getting sensitive, in spite of the high technology, we are used to reducing harm as for soil, air, and population, among others as he refers. It seems that the rich are more interested in the increase of rate of economic growth and consumption from the poor who are the highest consumers and improve their income, rather than the control of the population and the safety of the land from where most food comes from. I am against this selfish idea, of the rich, because this will create more barriers among large numbers among all the social classes.
Of course, the figures of population growth and how important this growth is for the economy is shocking, by far. Because as per this author, "... if the population keeps growing, as its current rate, it will reach 134 trillion by 2300." This number shrills, just by inferring how will these people get food, and how much soil and other natural resources will get overused? In fact, more companies might get into more business, as they will try to sustain the land and still keep growing their economy, as more people will consume from chemical, biological or mechanized products.
Nevertheless, the danger that the growth of the poor would cause to the world does not only come along with them, the poor, but also the rich who are the ones who own big factories, of all kinds, such as textile, oil refineries, chemical factories, nuclear and power plants. And so, as the production increases, the environment will be overwhelmed by threats as the author says. That is because we have finite (limited) resources that will be gone long before that expected year, 2300, where the growth will reach 134 trillion inhabitants. It is sad to say, but this amount of people will also carry other hard issues to solve, as for instance, the deficit of food, and fewer houses that will push people to live in slums, squatters, villages or shantytowns. And indeed, this situation will expose them to more diseases as they overcrowd urban areas in search of good jobs and better lives. And moreover, the stress on the soil and on other resources will increase.
In fact, for a big problem, we need smart solutions. The author also came up with some ideas to level off the population. The embedded ideas, I have perceived, deal with more with the balance between poor and rich. The rich should stop being greedy by just thinking about how to make money by using the poor. Or stop stimulating people to immigrate. That is because it is believed, that in the UK for example, this population, immigrants, is mushrooming the country. On the other hand, universal sex education, universal access to contraceptives, better schooling and more opportunities for poor women are recommended to reduce environmental impacts produced by overpopulation.
As we can see, no one should be blamed, neither the poor nor the rich as we all share the same planet. Here what matters is to start planning and doing the best actions to keep the world in balance for the benefit of both.

Monbiot, G.(2008, January 29). Population growth is a threat. But it pales against the greed of the rich. Retrieved: In February 3rd. 2009.

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